Amy recently e-mailed me, "Why don't you ever blog about what you eat? I'd love to see pix!"
Dear Amy,
That may be the shortest reader question I have ever gotten. In honor of the occasion this will be the shortest answer I have ever written. First I would like to say that I have no problems with other people food blogging. There are lots of witty (Smoothie Girl Eats Too), pretty (Java Chick) and inspiring (Heather Eats Almond Butter) foodies out there. (In fact, I even compiled a list of all my readers' fave food sites!) I, however, am not one of them and here's why:
1. I suck at cooking.
2. I eat yucky food.
3. My presentation is awful.
4. As are my photography skills.
For example, lunch today was a pile of week-old salad (brown tinged, wilted and everything!) topped with cold steamed cauliflower and broccoli left over from dinner last night with a microwaved turkey burger on top, covered in salsa and plain yogurt. It looked, very literally, like vomit. Oh and I should mention that I put it on the neon plastic IKEA plate my toddler had just eaten his quesadilla off of. I used his fork too. And I liked it.
My point is: I'm gross. Remember when I baked a turd? Nobody needs to see that.
Although probably nobody needs to see This is Why You're Fat - a cross between food porn and 4th-grade boy gross out humor - either. But it sure is fun! So, what did you all have for lunch? And by all means post links if you've got pictures!
Speaking of pictures, here's a what-NOT-to-eat-for-lunch tip courtesy of the '70's and Passionate Fitness.