Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Three Organs that make you FAT (or skinny) PART 3 of 3: ADRENAL GLANDS

Here it is, the third and final chapter in my triplet of the three organs that can make you FAT or SKINNY: the adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands produce the hormones adrenaline, norepinephrine, DHEA, and cortisol. Cortisol happens to be your fat storing hormone so what happens to your adrenals should be I M P O R T A N T to you!! All of these hormones help your body naturally cope with stress by triggering the release of sugar from the liver and muscles into the blood as an instant fuel source.

DHEA is a sex hormone and a natural fat burner. In my opinion it's the mother of all hormones because most of our OTHER sex hormones are derived from it, primarily estrogen and testosterone. The important muscle building and fat burning hormone declines naturally with age, which makes it even harder to be thin and fit. Therefore- you want to do everything in your power to keep your adrenal glands healthy so they can produce these important hormones.

Considering all your adrenals do, they take A LOT of abuse. We batter the hell out of our adrenals with bad nutrition, lack of sleep, drinking,smoking, and medications. But the GREATEST enemy of the adrenals is our reliance on caffeine containing products, like coffee, soda, and energy drinks.

Now don't get me wrong, caffeine has MANY benefits for the body- in moderation. If you're hitting more then 2 cups of coffee a day (even I fall prey to breaking this rule) you're at risk of overtaxing the adrenals glands. Trainers and competitive athletes tend to be the WORST adrenal abusers. Because of our schedules we rely on coffee and because of our emphasis on our physiques we tend to abuse fat burners as well (many of which contain caffeine and other stimulants that fire on the adrenal glands).

Most weight loss and sport nutrition supplements contain caffeine, and many contain proprietary blends which pair or couple caffeine with other thermogenic enhancing ingredients- i.e double trouble on your adrenals. Again, this is not to say you need to AVOID fat burners altogether, but tapering and cycling on and off fat burners is advised to help keep your adrenal glands from getting wiped out and overworked.

When the adrenal glands get overworked by caffeine and other factors they eventually can't produce hormones in sufficient amounts or can't utilize all the hormones they do produce. Basically they get wiped out. Period. The condition is called "Adrenal exhaustion" and it makes you a slow metabolizer, tired all the time, and generally, unwell.

Some symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include;
  • Weight gain, especially in your midsection
  • Weakness
  • Blemishes
  • Insomnia
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Memory problems
  • Food cravings
  • Poor immunity
  • Allergies
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Premature aging

So what to do? Well for starters stick to the 2 cups of coffee a day- for those of you who wonder how much that is- one cup = 8 ounces, so go from there. Over 16 ounces of coffee a day and you're too much. AND you need to add energy drinks and caffeine including sodas into that mix as well!

And as far as supplements go- use with caution. I recommend staying on a fat burner no longer then 6 weeks at full dosage. Taper for a week to two weeks, then come off for two weeks cold. During that time I recommend supplementing in with natural supplements that bolster the health of your adrenals. One I've used in the past post show which has proven VERY effective at helping my adrenals recover is:


Adrenal support supplementation is crticial, especially if you're daily taxing your adrenal glands (like I have) through caffeine consumption and taking fat burners/thermogenics.

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