Thursday, October 22, 2009

Creatine - One of the Basics of Body Building

There are a few words that everyone associates with body building and one of them is Creatine. But how many people actually know what it is and what it does. If you are in to body building, you may want to know everything there is to know about this compound of amino acids/supplement. It could improve your workouts and muscle building like nothing else because of its ability to increase energy levels and performance in highly intense exercises.
The human body actually produces creatine in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is what supplies energy to the muscles in our body where it is converted to creatine phosphate. This is the most high-powered metabolite you will find. The skeletal muscle system is where you will find about 95% of this compound. Consuming foods like salmon, tuna, beef, dairy products, egg whites, nuts, and seeds is the most natural way to obtain this amino acid compound.
Some people would actually consider creatine to be the ultimate supplement for body builders. This one compound alone can increase muscle mass in just a couple weeks. As mentioned above, other benefits include increased energy levels, faster recovery rates, and an increase in performance while actually working out. The biggest reason for these benefits is simply the fact that you have more energy. The cause for increased energy comes from the fact that creatine has the ability to synthesize muscle protein while reducing the breaking down of protein - which is also one of the basics of body building. This amazing amino acid compound actually hydrates the muscle cells with water which allows them to grow bigger and stronger. There's no question why competitive athletes and body builders make sure to get their fill of creatine. Not to mention, it is natural and acceptable unlike steroids or drugs.
Not only do body builders and athletes need this supplement, it's really for anyone who wants increased energy levels, more muscle mass quicker, and more endurance for any activity. Taking a creatine supplement can also help those who have that little extra fat take it right off. If you are an active person and you are not getting enough of this amino acid compound you may experience physical stress and fatigue. This will obviously hinder your workouts and it may take longer for you to get the results you want.
There are two different methods of taking in creatine. The first method is called loading and is done when you have never taken it as a supplement before. You want to "load" or saturate your muscles so you should taken approximately 20-30 grams per days for the first 4-7 days. After your muscles have been completely saturated you only need to take a maintenance dose of about 5-15 grams per day to keep enough of it in your muscles. As mentioned before, creatine is natural and safe. It is not like a drug or steroid and has no known adverse or side affects. However, taking the recommended dose is good enough to help with your muscle mass building program and there is no need to take more than that. A great supplement to take is called L-Carnitine Xtreme and has all the creatine you need to get that gain in lean muscle mass you've always wanted and you can abs get pack six.

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