Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Great Fitness Experiment Talent Show

Happy Holidays from Charlotte and the Gym Buddies!

When the great (and Jewish) MizFit took it upon herself to organize a Christmas Eve FitBlogger Talent Show I was overcome with joy. Everyone has a special talent, right? And mine is wearing crazy socks. On a really good day I manage to match the crazy socks to my outfit! It's a gift, I know. Anyhow, it is a Great Fitness Experiment tradition that I gift all my Gym Buddies with crazy socks for Christmas. So today our Great Fitness Talent is... handstands with matching socks! Sadly our photographer (a poor random person we pulled out of a basketball game) couldn't quite get my lame-o camera to focus so let me introduce you to the girls un-blurrified:




(This is why I should never smile with my mouth open.)

After we mastered (read: used the wall for support) hand stands, we decided to pull out all our old cheerleader stunts. Not that I was ever a cheerleader. To be honest, cheerleaders wouldn't even deign to spit in my direction. But anyhow - Give Me an A!

Krista and Allison then demonstrated the difficult and rare Reverse Birthing Handstand.

I haven't looked this twee since I was in the Sunshine Generation (oh yes I was!).

Things got a little silly on set a.k.a. the Y. See me using my quads of steel to knock Krista right over? And she's such a good sport she's even still smiling as she falls!

Allison and Krista falling made me fall too... because I was laughing so hard I had to sit down. I just had a baby! My bladder can't take hysterical laughter and standing. (Or sneezing or coughing or, heaven help me, air jacks.) But hey, while I was on the floor I figured why not keep snapping? And in the end, this was my favorite pic of the day because this shows our true talent: having fun while working out!

See - even the Jelly Bean wore her Christmas knee high socks (and Baby's First Pink Converses) for the occasion!

As I will be taking a blog break from Christmas Day through New Year's (12/25 - 1/1), I'd like to give a huge shout out to all the Gym Buddies not pictured who have popped in for an Experiment this year, our fabulous group fit instructors (hey-o Turbo Jennie!), the patient & caring child care staff and all the great, fun, interesting folks who make working out our Y so fun. And a huge hug and thank you to all my readers: you are what makes doing this blog fun and I can't tell you how often an e-mail from one of you has come at the exact moment I needed a lift or a giggle or even just a good funny picture. Merry Christmas to all of you and I'll see you in the New Year! (I've already got 3 Great Experiments coming your way!)

What's your special/freaky/so-cool-it-makes-people-talk-about-you-behind-your-back talent?? To check out more great FitBlogger talents, see MizFit's Virtual Gallery (and even submit your own!)

PS> The winner of the Ivee Style clothing giveaway is Katie M! Drop me an e-mail and I'll get you in touch with them.
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