Friday, January 22, 2010

Join me for a Mini Experiment? Plus: Spam Spam Everywhere and Contest Winner!]

Those of you watching me stumble around like a newborn colt on Twitter - yeah, I'm that bad - will already know about this but FitJerk threw down an ab-tastic challenge that I couldn't resist! He posted his most killer ab workout and the Gym Buddies and I are going to give it a whirl (after finishing Lindsey's workout of course!) on Monday. (Surprise, Gym Buddies!!) Anyone want to join in the pain fest? If you do it, make sure and send me an e-mail or tweet letting me know how it goes for you!

Bonus points to TechnicalParent Joshua who already did and is still sore!

Two short items of GFE business:

1) As you may have noticed, I have been picked up by a few spam bots resulting in about 20 spam comments a week - mostly on old posts. They're annoying and stupid. I wish they would leave me alone. But all of the ways to prevent the spam - captchas, filters and the like - usually make it harder for legit commenters. So I want to know if you are irritated enough by the spam that you think I should put the filters back on (and realize you'll have an extra step in posting a comment) or if you don't mind the spam. Personally, I don't mind manually deleting the comments as they pop up but that doesn't stop them from being sent out to people who subscribed to that comment thread. I've created a quickie poll - please take a second and tell me your preference* (click thru to my site to take the poll):

2) The winner of the Core Performance Women book is Erin S. Carter! E-mail me and I'll get you your book!

*Anyone who leaves me a comment using the words "cialis" "pneis" or "weight loss tea" gets a group wedgie.
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