Tuesday, July 20, 2010
OK you asked for it AbFitt readers...here is my H.I.G.T workout.
This is my H.I.G.T workout, you will perform this routine 3 days per week with one day in between. On those off days you will need to perform only 30 min of cardio vascular training, IE: running, jump rope, etc etc. This is more advanced however, you have built yourself up for this and should be ready.
OUR GOAL: build new lean tissue, torch fat, increase overall cardiovascular condition and dramatically change your body fat levels and overall composition. We do it with H.I.G.T= High Intensity group training( heavy weight, low rep ranges ) six weeks ONLY!!!!!! This will burn you out if done any longer. Injuries and other health issues will hinder any results if done for more than six weeks.
* 3 sets per group, exercises performed back> to back>. 30-50 sec max rest between sets. Increase in weight for each exercise, each set. Our goal is to recruit type two fibers. Rep range 4-12 on Training days #1 & #3. Rep range 4-8 on training day #2 (heavy weight & only two exercises performed in a group)
Group one: Focus muscle-chest, secondary-shoulders...
flat bench dumbbell presses legs elevated off floor> seated front dumbell shoulder raises. standing dumbbell side lateral raises> standing dumbbell upright row.
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group two: Primary muscle-shoulder, secondary-chest...
seated military dumbbell press> incline bench press> plate or dumbbell shoulder shrugs> shoulder tri set super-set ( grab five lb plates hold one in each hand, seated one arm at a time perform 6 fast, yet controlled front raises then side raises. repeat with left arm. Now perform six bent over lateral shoulder raises)
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group three: Primary muscle-Biceps, secondary-triceps..phasing out chest and shoulders........
Standing barbell curl> tri cep kick back> incline push ups. ( when performing push ups mix up your hand & feet positions to hit the chest and shoulder muscle's at different angles, have a partner place a weight plate on your back for added intensity)*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group four: Primary muscle-triceps, secondary-biceps.....
Triceps cable press down> pull up> push up> weighted speed punches ( grab two two pound weights, hold one in each hand. Now take a fighters stance and throw left right punches fast for 30 seconds )*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group five: Primary muscle-Quads, secondary-back...
barbell deep squats> pull ups> 45lb plate alternate lunge.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group six: Primary muscle-hamstrings, secondary-back....
Bent over barbell row> stiff legged dead lift> dumbbell or kettle ball one arm squat & press.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
On training days #1 & #3 following this workout we complete abdominal work. Remember your abs have been worked in every exercise you just performed so they are fatigued. So we hit them briefly, but with intensity and from angles.