Tuesday, October 19, 2010


With Nationals behind me and a bit of an offseason ahead of me, I finally have the time needed to dedicate to the creation of a VIP section to my website, www.alli-fitness.com!

I'm looking forward to housing my collection of recipes, articles, supplement reviews, training techniques and tips, as well as videos of myself training, exercise instruction, and cooking!! I'll also be hosting my personal daily nutrition journal and exercise log in my members section as well as posing videos, and tips for preparing for photo shoots AND contests! There will be entire sections dedicated to cooking, recipes, and nutrition, as well as my "competitor's corner" which will house a wealth of information about prepping for a show, diet and training methods, nutrient manipulation, supplements for weight loss AND muscle gain, and much much more!!

My VIP section is still grossly "in the works" and has a ways to go, but once launched I'm looking forward to REALLY sharing my passion for this sport, for nutrition and exercise with the public! Access to the VIP section will be done through a variety of options including a one time fee as well as monthly fees and will allow the user access to a REALM of information about health, fitness, training, nutrition, beauty, as well as insight into my personal training and exercise regime. It will be a great way to interact with me, and with other users as well! I'm looking to establish an interactive network of support so all users can not only read my materials, but interact with myself, AND others as well!

Be sure to check back for updates, and look for the VIP area to launch in early 2011!
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