Friday, November 12, 2010

ShopOrganic- a site I SWEAR BY!

Depending on where you live, it can be hard to access the type of foods you need, or want to be consuming. In fact half of the reason Americans are so drastically overweight, out of shape, and in poor health is due to the influx of eating out of convenience, and a lack of having access to the RIGHT kinds of healthy foods.
I know the concept of shopping online is foreign to most of us- we're stuck in the "brick and tile" concept of what it means to do grocery shopping BUT, if you don't have access to a good grocery store with an excellent organic section- then I recommend finding an online source and ordering in what you cannot pick up.
I've already driven over an hour to go to a Whole Foods Market or a Wegman's (since Lancaster is covered in freaking Giants, UGH) so ordering in some of my groceries is a huge relief! has EVERYTHING you could want organic, and some things you maybe have never heard of. With sections catered SPECIFICALLY to certain diets; lactose intolerant, vegan, gluten free, and raw foods- there is a wide variety of products for everyone.
I have a dairy intolerance so finding calorie free non dairy creamers, whip creams, and other light treats is hard in my area. comes through! They also carry RAW UNPROCESSED NUT BUTTERS, with no salt, no sugar, and no additives! Hell they even carry organic dog food.....:)
I HIGHLY recommend checking out and ordering in the items that are WORTH IT- the items you cannot find in your local grocer. TRUST ME- your health will thank you for it!!
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