Sunday, June 13, 2010

Drink Click!

I always love sharing new products I find with you all! While sweating it out on the stepmill yesterday I was reading Oxygen and stumbled across an ad for a coffee protein drink. Considering that I'm a coffee ADDICT I was stoked, but apprehensive because most products that boast 'yumminess' are loaded with fat and sugar, making them no better then the full fat and sugar version of espresso drinks you can get at Starbucks.
So when I got home I hopped online and visited the website: to check it out for myself, and see if it was worthwhile.

I was PLEASANTLY surprised. With two yummy sounding flavors, Mocha Latte and Vanilla Latte, 120 calories per packet, 12g of carb, 15g of protein, 1g of fat, and only 6g of sugar, it's pretty clean for a "fun" protein drink! What's more, the website offers NUMEROUS fun ways to drink click, hot AND cold. Cold recipes even include alcoholic suggestions such as Click Mudslide and Click-atini. Hot recipes have the delicious sounding Pumpkin Mocha Spice and Clickamel.

I'm not sure how "tasty" it is, but I ordered the Vanilla Latte flavor and am planning on incorporating it into my diet! While the 6g of sugar prevents it from being something you can drink on a contest diet, it certainly doesn't keep you from infusing it into your nutritional plan if you're not prepping for a show!!
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