Thursday, June 10, 2010

Supplement Review- OxyElite Pro

I saw this review in FitnessRX this month and thought it was well worth reposting. I use OxyElite Pro myself and I recommend it frequently as a thermogenic to my clients!

review by Shoshana Pritzker, FitnessRX Magazine

Fat burners are a dime a dozen these days. With so many to chose from how is a girl to know which product is right for her? From "lose inches off your waist" to "sweat inducing fat loss" you're sure to find yourself lost and confused. Well, first things first- figure out what EXACTLY you're looking for in a fat burner and go from there. If you're looking for a fat burner that will make you sweat and give you a boost of energy that makes you feel like you're burning fat without even so much as lifting a finger, then OxyElite Pro is the product for you.

Why? Because OxyElite Pro contains a unique blend of ingredients you won't find in any other product on the market together. The ingredient profile found in OxyElite Pro was designed to eradicate the glue that keeps the fat stuck to your abs and glutes as well as inhibit fat from sticking to those areas altogether. By tapping into you body's energy systems and boosting metabolism you'll no longer worry about helplessly storing fat over a cupcake or missed cardio session.

OxyElite Pro targets our stubborn body fat areas by attacking what keeps fat on our thighs, butt, and abs in the first place- the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor, which is responsible for inhibiting lipolysis (ie prevents your body from burning fat and allows you to continue storing it). These receptors are inevitably working against you at times and your best bet is to block them altogether when fat loss is your main goal. How is that possible when these specific receptors are fat storing machines when activated? Simple- keep them de-activated and blocked.

OxyElite Pro deactivates and blocks alpha-2 adrenergic receptors by the addition of Rauwolfia Canescens to their highly effective blend. This compound is related you Yohimbine, a compound commonly found in other fat loss products on the market that is known to antagonize (or act against) alpha-2 receptors. What makes Rauwolfia Canescens better then Yohimbine? Well it's just about as effective at inhibiting alpha-2 receptors as Yohimbine but is muh less selective in that it is less likely to reduce lipolysis by inhibiting alpha-1 adrenoreceptors respectively. In the end you're reducing the likelihood that you'll inhibit fat loss, or worse, store more.

To address thyroid activity, OxyElite Pro contains two extracts; Bauhinia L and Bacopa Monnieri, both of which alone produce profound effects on your natural thyroid horomone levels- but when paired together, produce an unparalleled boost to your T4/T3 levels, sky rocketing them in to an energy-inducing, fat-burning abyss.

Our bodies store fat in places you'd never imagine. The fat you can see, or subcutaneous fat is the curtain you beloved abs are hiding behind. While visceral fat, or the fat that hugs your organs is responsible for maintaining optimal health. The less visceral fat you have the less susceptible you are to heart disease and other chronic illnesses, while the subcutaneous fat, on the other hand is what's preventing you from achieving the lean sexy body you want so badly. OxyElite Pro doesn't just attack visceral fat, it also attacks the subcutaneous fat thats hanging over the jeans. Not many other products on the market can claim (HONESTLY) to do both.

The compound responsible for incinerating subcutaneous fat is Circium Oligophyllum (Whole Plant Extract). To make this compound stronger OxyElite Pro coupled it with caffeine.

Lastly, OxyElite Pro attacks the dreaded brown fat ( BAT, Brown Adipose Tissue) by the addition of Geranium (stems). BAT is very metabolically active and uses fat as fuel however you must target it to use it. Geranium is a compound that can increase norepinephrine levels and/or direct activity at alpha and beta adrenoreceptors. In essence this compound has the ability to give you the focus and energy neede for better workouts while also directly stimulating BAT, thus using more fat as fuel.

OxyElite Pro has got all the bases covered, with alpha-2 receptor deactivators, thyroid enhancers, brown fat incinerators, and energy boosters to boot. You can't go wrong. The best part- you don't need 10 pills a day for it to be effective! Just one pill in the a.m and sweat will be poring- guaranteed!

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