Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Girly Side of Weight Lifting (Giveaway!)

Who says eating healthy and staying fit has to hurt? Crossfit does, that's who. Today's workout of the day had the Gym Buddies and I power snatching 75 times. Oh yes, you read that right - 75 reps of this:

We were supposed to be snatching 75 pounds. Krista managed to snatch that twice while the rest of us watched in awe and then we finished the WOD on 45 pounds which sounds all hot stuff until you consider that is just the weight of the bar. Yeah we're awesome. Also, my arms want to fall off now.

Nothing like a sweaty session throwing around - literally, in our case today - the iron to make you crave some creature comforts. To see how I girlified Crossfit and to win some Shabby Apple clothing, click through to my giveaway site for all the details!

How do you feel about working out in a skirt? What's your favorite workout clothing item? Anyone else have more workout clothes than regular clothes? Were any of you able to do all 75 power snatches with the 75-lb bar??
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